Dear Plan Participants,

With a change in season comes a new and exciting edition of the Local 4 Benefit Funds newsletter. I am pleased to share that the summer 2023 issue of The Gauge is now available to read online.

Highlights in this issue include: 
  • A Partner Spotlight on EyeMed 
  • A Spotlight on Plan Participant John Rossi 
  • Tips for a healthy and sunny summer from Karen Larsen, LICSW 
  • Important plan updates 
  • And more! 

From information about the Funds Office’s Collections Team to details about the upcoming Health & Welfare Plan 5K, the newsletter is packed with important updates. We are proud to offer this resource as an extension of our commitment to the health and wellness of our Plan Participants. 

On behalf of our full team, I hope that you will enjoy this edition of the newsletter. Please be sure to review it at your convenience! 

In solidarity,

William D. McLaughlin
Operating Engineers Local 4 Business Manager
International Trustee 

Chairman of the Health & Welfare, Pension, and Annuity & Savings Funds