Wellbeing Hub

Wellbeing Hub2025-03-03T13:17:08-05:00

Welcome to the Local 4 Funds Office Wellbeing Hub.
We’re glad you’re here!

“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.”

 –Muhammad Ali

Karen Larsen

Social Worker and Care Coordinator

The Annual 5K is coming up on June 8! More details, including registration information to follow.

This year we are pairing with our benefit partner TrestleTree to have a “5K Your Way” event for those who wish to either walk or run the 5K. Whether you are a couch potato or a runner who wishes to shave time off your race, the “5K Your Way” is for you. It is a program that works with a health coach to set goals, manage your training, identify barriers, and stay injury free. “5K Your Way” is available to Local 4 Health & Welfare Plan members and covered dependents at no cost. See this flyer for more information and registration for TrestleTree: 5K Your Way.

This Month’s Featured Partner


Annual exams, contact lenses, glasses and safety glasses are covered by our vision provider, EyeMed. For more information about your vision benefit, go to the following link: EyeMed Vision Benefits. For special offers, see the attached flyer: 2025 EyeMed Special Offers. Regular eye exams are important, not just to find out if you need glasses, but to detect eye diseases, such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts.

If you have every wondered about what various eye conditions, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration, look like for those experiencing it, try out EyeMed’s Eye Condition Simulator at Eye Site On Wellness: Eye condition simulator.

Wellness Updates

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Workplace Eye Wellness Month is focused ways to improve eye health in the workplace. For more information, see this article from our Featured Partner, EyeMed: Eye Site On Wellness: Embracing eye health and vision wellness in the workplace.
March is also Save Your Vision month. Everyone experiences the impact of blue lights on vision, including the lights from smartphones, tablets, computers, and other technology. Even if you don’t work in front of a computer, you likely have exposure to blue lights from technology. While much of our blue light exposure is from the sun, too much exposure to blue lights can cause vision problems and sleep disturbance.
Blue light can cause eye strain, leading to symptoms such as headaches, dry eye, and tired eyes. Some tips from WebMD and Healthline to reduce the risk of eye strain:
  • Rest your eyes every 20 minutes or so by looking about 20 feet away from the screen and focusing on an object for 20 seconds.
  • Place your computer monitor about two feet away.
  • Lower the brightness setting.
  • Exposure to blue light in the evening can trick your body into thinking it is daytime. If you have sleep problems, either stop using tech products about an hour before bed or turn the dimmer on.
For additional information, visit:

Tips from Lyra